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A men’s group
for men based in Japan

Keyaki is a program for men in Japan committed to
growth, radical responsibility and social impact. 

The program supports men in developing
a conscious sense of purpose and expressing it in the world.





- Ground of being -

・As I choose to live in Japan, what nourishment am I getting from living here? 
・What are the family and cultural roots that inform who I am now?
・Do I create deep or shallow roots for myself? What might I want to do differently?

Why Keyaki?

In Japanese culture, the keyaki tree (Japanese zelkova or Japanese elm) is a symbol of luck, health and longevity.
While their trunks are relatively short, they spread their branches wide and can be over 30m tall. 
Its original name (槻 ツキ/tsuki) literally means ‘strong tree’.
Some of the oldest trees in Japan, over 1000 years old, are keyaki. 
Anyone that has tried to process keyaki for firewood or lumber knows that it is twisted, complex, and smells like shit. 
It is resilient to disease and beetles and it will grow back powerfully even if you cut off its limbs. 

Embodying Keyaki

With some luck and good health, we can attain longevity
as well as create impact that outlasts our lives.


As men, we too have the potential to grow to great heights.

We can be the source of great strength.
We can be quite complex and twisted, and not smell so great.
We have more resilience than we often realize.
Let’s gather under a keyaki and support each other’s growth.





I am a 20+ year resident in Japan, and still regularly find new ways to fall in love with this country. A desire to make some social impact here is the main driver for wanting to support men in Japan. 

As a sensitive and chubby mama’s boy, I have often felt uncomfortable being in the company of all boys or men, and so it wasn’t predictable that I would end up leading work like this. 

Now, after five decades of life, many adventures, tragedies, and other life enriching experiences, I have landed in a calling that allows me to bring all of myself into serving others. 

You may know me as one of the many identities I dance with: father, husband, adventurer, business owner, leadership coach, craftsman, community volunteer, etc. 

In Keyaki, I will be your partner in finding your own calling and fullest expression as a man in Japan.



My first years in Japan in the 90s launched me into community work as an AIDS activist, educator, and counselor.

Ever since then, I have always found myself either finding or founding communities of like-minded (as well as not-so-like-minded) souls focused on a common goal of mutual support, social transformation, or personal growth.

Now, as Director of a private Japanese foundation that brings together students from around the world in global community, I am fortunate to be able to pay forward the gifts of belonging and a global mindset to young people while sharing what is wonderful about Japan and Japanese culture.

My purpose in Keyaki is to cultivate a community of thriving, heart-activated men who are fully engaged and sharing their gifts with the world.


is not :

・ Surface level casual conversation

・ Therapy or counseling

・ A place to bring an agenda or the desire to convince others of your beliefs

・ A place to make excuses for your impact or blame others for theirs

・ A place where we expect solutions or have to always be right or perfect

・ For networking or promoting business

・ Sacred circle - intentionally structured discussion that empowers men to speak from their hearts

・ Support and personal development

・ A brave space you can bring the issues that concern you most

・ An opportunity to be fully responsible and accountable for your impact

・ A space to experiment and do our best

・ A space to gather with other men powerfully committed to growing to their full potential


 is :



in Minakami


5-7, 2023

Gather around the fire as we put the online content into practice as a group.

Experience the power of deep work done in person combined with a stunning natural setting.

Connect through outdoor adventure while enjoying the comfort of glamping, including locally sourced food and sauna.


Words are not adequate to describe what I gained from taking part in this group. Each of the men who participated brought something special and contributed to the group in their own way. Our coaches guided us expertly. I feel that the bonds I create with these men will last a lifetime. It’s not an overstatement to say that participation changed my life and gave me insights that may have taken years to find on my own.

Tanigawa mountain at Minakami Japan
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to Keyaki


An open and inclusive program for men

Who live in and care deeply about Japan
Of all nationalities, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations and identities
Aged 20 years old and up
Capable of daily conversation in English 
Who prioritize all aspects of their well-being

Program structure

90 minute online sessions the first and third Thursdays of every month

March 21 - December 19, 2024

Enrollment is open after the start date until the program fills with 12 men (there will be a cutoff before the retreat in July). 

Retreat in Minakami: July 5-7, 2024

We are running Keyaki as a social experiment, as opposed to a business venture. Our intention is to minimize the barrier to entry for any man who wants to join us. There is no fee to join Keyaki – but it is not free. 

We ask three core things from any man who will join:

  1. Your commitment to treat these sessions as one of the highest priorities in your life. 

  2. Your commitment to attend the in-person retreat in Minakami (group funded - all men will contribute equally to the costs of food, accommodation, etc). 

  3. Your leadership; every man will take turns leading the circle, and there will be a simple structure that makes it easy for any man to do that, regardless of previous experience.

Have a burning question you want answered before booking a chat with us?

your question here!

Thank you!!We'll get right back to you soon.

We're proud to share information about our partners for this program here:

・The sensational retreat glamping venue in Minakami, Doai Village:

・The phenomenal photos of Skip, Cory, and the other men by Maki Motoyama:

・This fantastic web page (and this whole website!) by Studio Brick Lane:


We’d love to hear from you!

Let us know what’s on your mind and we’ll get right back to you.

Feel free to send a direct email instead!

Thank you!!

We'll get right back to you soon.




Renegade Coach

We are a Japan based provider of coaching for adventurous clients both in Japan and abroad. We also provide consulting and support services to people living in Japan who are interested in adventures in Minakami.


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